
“最近比较火的正规赌博软件长期以来一直是退伍军人友好的首选雇主. We are deeply committed to the values, 职业生涯, 利益, 和 well-being of 退伍军人, 军事的配偶, 以及他们的家人. As a Navy veteran myself, 我个人对此承诺,并很荣幸能够通过有意义的行动不断加强这一声誉.

我为许多为我们国家服务的人感到骄傲,他们选择与最近比较火的正规赌博软件一起“继续使命”,以支持国家优先项目. 事实上, 我们近一半的员工都曾在军队服役过. 我们以员工为主导的服务成员拓展和推荐(SOAR)计划致力于为这些员工所有者提供支持, the veteran 和 military communities, 最近比较火的正规赌博软件的使命是成为退伍军人和军人配偶的首选雇主.

So, whether you are transitioning from your military career, have been or are a military spouse, or are a veteran who has been in the civilian workforce for decades, 像我这样的, I invite you to ‘continue the mission’ with 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 谢谢你! 为您服务.

——约翰C. Steckel, President 和 CEO


什么是SOAR ??

最近比较火的正规赌博软件的服务人员拓展和推荐(SOAR)计划是一个以员工为主导的组织,旨在加强同志情谊, 招聘, 新员工培训, 通过公司内部和外部的参与,提高退伍军人和军人配偶员工的士气.

SOAR provides employee-退伍军人 the opportunity to network with each other, assist transitioning servicemembers, 退伍军人, 和 军事的配偶, spread the word about 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 和 take part in company-wide events celebrating military heritage.


继续使命 with 推荐最近最火的赌博软件

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 appreciates the value of 退伍军人. We are indebted to all 退伍军人, 军事的配偶, 感谢他们的家人为我们的国家做出的牺牲,我们很荣幸有这么多人选择把他们的经验和品格带到我们的公司.

  • 继续使命

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    过渡服务成员:获得新的工作经验,并通过实践提高你的技能, individualized training 和 education.

  • Learn about Employee-Ownership

    We are 100% employee-owned.



— SOAR Member/Employee-Veteran


识别 & 奖

最近比较火的正规赌博软件在招募、雇用、培训和留住退伍军人方面做得非常出色. 无论是在公司内部还是在全国的军事社区,我们都为退伍军人提供坚定的支持. 由于我们在退伍军人就业方面取得了成功,最近比较火的正规赌博软件已经得到了许多组织的公开认可, 进步, 和保留. View additional 和 past awards here.

Employee-Veteran 识别

托尼·普劳斯,美国.S. Marine Corps Veteran | Employee-Owner Since 2019

Tony Prause was recently awarded the G.I. 工作的杂志 “Employee Veteran 领导 Award” (2023).

Anthony“Tony”Prause是副总裁/总监,负责新业务和整体管理,并监督其董事会当前的合同. 即使在服役和退役38年之后,托尼仍然支持我们国家最必要的任务. 他努力追求卓越,赢得了周围人的尊敬和钦佩, adapting in the face of adversity, 和 encouraging his employees while emphasizing balance. 托尼的领导, 适应性, 乐观积极的态度, 和 strong work ethic ensure success at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.


安妮·德拉兹巴,美国.S. Air Force Veteran | Employee-Owner Since 2020

Annie Drazba was recently awarded the G.I. 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》杂志“美国企业年度冠军”(2023年).

Annie是最近比较火的正规赌博软件的项目经理和招聘经理,负责管理多个项目, highly technical programs. 她认识到,退伍军人拥有独特的经验和技能,这使他们成为支持国家优先项目的优秀人选. This makes her even more motivated to hire 和 mentor 退伍军人, 尤其是那些在最近比较火的正规赌博软件开始文职生涯的退伍军人.Annie’s underst和ing of 退伍军人’ experience, 自然的共鸣, drive to help 退伍军人 secure civilian employment, 和 love for 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 all continue our strong veteran 招聘. She truly is a champion for 退伍军人!


埃德·韦克利,美国.S. Marine Corps Veteran | Employee-Owner Since 2019

Ed Wakeley was recently awarded the G.I. 工作的杂志 “Veteran Champion of the Year in Corporate America” Award (2021)

Ed supports our Corporate Recruiting Department. He is vital in strengthening military recruiting, 招聘, 保留, 和 promoting career 进步. He goes above 和 beyond by mentoring 和 coaching transitioning 退伍军人. Ed是一位受人尊敬的资深员工和不可或缺的招聘人员,他每天为退伍军人提供卓越的工作机会.



SOAR的外展促进了我们的使命,即加强招聘和培训高素质的退伍军人作为新的推荐最近最火的赌博软件员工所有者. 最近比较火的正规赌博软件与全国各地的过渡援助计划(TAP)办事处密切合作, Virginia Values Veterans, 现在就雇佣退伍军人, 和 many other community organizations committed to 退伍军人 for decades.

Through 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ contact with Veteran outreach programs, we reach these goal-oriented, dynamic thinkers 和 bring them into the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 family. 认识到我们的退伍军人尚未开发的潜力,并帮助他们在他们的过渡是区分推荐最近最火的赌博软件从其他企业的关键一步.
— SOAR Member/Employee-Veteran


彼得·史密斯与前弗吉尼亚州州长一起接受弗吉尼亚价值退伍军人(V3)奖,表彰退伍军人文化和保留, 拉尔夫在平时, Virginia Secretary of Veterans 和 Defense Affairs, 卡洛斯·霍普金斯, 和 Virginia Department of Veterans Services Commissioner, 约翰L. 纽比二世.

Are you ready to 继续使命 with 推荐最近最火的赌博软件?


Veteran-Centric Charity Support

最近比较火的正规赌博软件支持许多慈善机构和组织致力于退伍军人和他们的家人. Toward the end of each year, 我们的SOAR会员投票支持一个为退伍军人做出色工作的组织. 最近比较火的正规赌博软件将员工的捐款与选定的组织相匹配. Throughout the years, we have supported many organizations, including:


Celebrating the Military 和 Employee-Veterans

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is proud to celebrate each military branch’s birthday, as well as Veterans Day, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, 和 the accomplishments of our employee-退伍军人. 全年,我们举办了几场活动,其中一场你可以在下面观看. 另外, 我们表彰那些在退伍军人群体中表现出色的退伍军人,授予他们“内部英雄”的称号,并在内部和外部突出他们的成就.

For the last 5 years, I’ve been at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. We too are family here. It’s my second home when I’m not in uniform. We’re honorable, 和 we’re professional. It’s as if we never took off the uniform at all.
— SOAR Member/Employee-Veteran

Paul Abney, In-House Hero | Employee-Owner Since 2007

Paul Abney has received local recognition from ALCOVA抵押贷款 for his volunteer work 和 dedication to the veteran community. Paul is a Navy veteran 和 a Senior Analyst for 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 在日常工作中, 他的火车, 教练, 和 mentors sailors in anti-submarine warfare tactics 和 procedures. 他还利用自己的第一手经验来教授危机领导力和损害控制. 工作之余, 在他自己的时间里, 作为“战斗压力恢复计划”和“欢迎回家计划”的一部分,保罗与经历创伤后压力的战斗退伍军人一起工作. “欢迎回家计划”通过为期三天的静修式体验,为遭受创伤后应激障碍或精神创伤的战区退伍军人提供帮助,其中包括一系列演讲和讨论,为康复提供大纲.

Employee-Veteran Spotlights

用他们自己的话来说, some of our many employee-退伍军人 share their stories—their experiences, their lessons learned, or simply tales from the heart. We are honored that they are part of our team. 

代顿米., U.S. Air Force | Employee-Owner Since 2012

诚信为先,服务至上,精益求精,是美泰公司的核心价值观.S. Air Force has taught me throughout my 12-year career. I faced a lot of giants as a young Airmen hoisting up a camera, supporting humanitarian operations, Operation Enduring Freedom, 还有很多其他的. I learned about the value of leadership, comradery 和 self-control. 对国家的承诺是一回事,但对自己的承诺需要纪律. After my time in service I strived to help take care of people, 不管是什么任务, no matter the mission, no matter the circumstance. These values have spilled over into my career with 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. Having the right tools, 正确的领导, 合适的公司, 帮助我把这些核心价值观带到了我作为员工老板所做的每件事上.  

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